Pantex Unveils Plans for Student Accommodation in Petrie

17 October 20240

Pantex has filed plans for a 296-bed purpose-built student accommodation project at Petrie. The eight-storey building slated for a site at 1-3 Young Street would sit close to the 4000-student University of Sunshine Coast’s Moreton Bay campus, which is on its own growth trajectory.

The Ellivo Architects-designed tower slated for the 1822sq m site is within the City of Moreton Bay’s The Mill priority development area.

“This proposed development responds to the site context and outcomes intended for the Mill Central Precinct and broader intent for The Mill at Moreton Bay Development Scheme,” the Place Design Group report said.

“Specifically, the proposed development is of an appropriate density, height, bulk and scale that has been tailored to the subject land’s specific location and characteristics.”


▲ The design of the development prioritises ventilation and natural light with view corridors to nearby parklands.


An Ellivo Architects spokesman said the building had been designed to deliver natural light and ventilation across the project as well as view corridors to nearby parkland.

“The adjacent Petrie Place Park presents an opportunity to integrate verdant elements within the building’s podium,” he said.

“A union of architecture and nature is achieved as the edge of the ground level communal areas become an extension of the natural realm.”

City of Moreton Bay mayor Peter Flannery campaigned for city status for the polycentric region and is now focusing on the development of existing hubs. Petrie’s urban regeneration project, The Mill, is one of these key areas for development.

“A key part of City of Moreton Bay’s transformational change is attracting students to the area,” Flannery said.

“With the UniSC Moreton Bay based at The Mill in Petrie, the opportunity to harness the City’s potential and boost educational opportunities for local residents is an exciting one for the Moreton Bay.



▲ Ellivo Architects said the heavy base materiality gave way to a lighter palette in the residential levels above.


“We’ve already seen the positive impact UniSC Moreton bay has made locally, with approximately 72 per cent of their students from the local Council area and an 18 per cent increase in number of Moreton Bay residents participating in tertiary education (from 2016 to 2021) since the UniSC Moreton Bay campus opened – outperforming national growth (2 per cent) and state growth (5 per cent).

“We want to be a great place now and for future generations, so as the City grows and evolves, community infrastructure needs to meet demand and that includes accommodation for students.

“We need to respond to the predicted growth in student numbers locally and provide adequate and diverse housing supply across the City.

“In fact, we’re looking at improving student accommodation developments through Council’s Better Housing Amendment, currently out for consultation until 4 September.  This amendment proposes improved requirements for on-site car parking, open space, occupancy limits and building design to minimise any impact on neighbours.”

University of Sunshine Coast’s stage 2 expansion of its Moreton Bay campus is due to complete this year.

The new facilities will include additional learning spaces, laboratories, sports hall and an event area, as well as a multi-storey carpark.

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